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High accuracy inspection
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Proven Solution
Unblink3D Vision Guided Robotics

Productivity Breakthrough with Vision Robot Guide

As robots and high-resolution 3D cameras become more affordable for manufacturers, there is a growing demand to deploy them on the production line for robot guide 3D inline quality control, automated assembly, pick and place, and other tasks.

To effectively marry 3D vision and robotics to boost productivity and realize cost savings, hand-eye calibration is crucial for project success. 

Robot Hand-Eye Calibration Simplified

The Robotic 3D Vision Toolbox simplifies and streamlines the calibration process to speed the deployment of vision-guided robotics systems in the manufacturing process.

  • TCP Calibration – the camera is mounted on the robot end-effector
  • User Frame Calibration – the camera is mounted on a stationary fixture beside the robot
Robot 3D Camera Calibration
Multi 3D Camera Sensors

Built-in Library of Common 3D Cameras and Industrial Robots

Eliminate the manual data entry of robot and camera information using our built-in library of common model parameters. Specifications are continuously updated via the cloud as manufacturers release new models. 

  • Supports major robot brands and direct reading from robot teach pendant . Users can use any robot pose format.
  • Support major 3D cameras and provide step-by-step instructions on how to collect data using camera controller or onboard tool. No third-party software is required

Accurately Calibrate 3D Laser Scanners and Cameras with Ease

Achieve high-accuracy 3D scanner calibration without any third-party software using our high-precision calibration artifact and built-in point-cloud editing software:

  • Complete camera calibration process in under 10 minutes
  • Superior accuracy compared to 2D checkboard patterns that might be affected by lighting, flatness, contrast, etc.
  • Optical CMM-certified 3D calibration target for high-accuracy application
3D Calibration Camera
Calibration Result Error Pose

Instant Error Analysis of Calibration Result and Pose Error

At the end of the calibration process, the Robotic 3D Vision Toolbox automatically outputs a result that estimates errors in the hand-eye calibration. Since the calibration error is the culmination of the pose error, our report breaks down the individual error at each pose to assist with troubleshooting.

Simplify Multi 3D Camera Calibration

The Unblink3D Calibration Toolbox eliminates the complexity and guesswork in multi 3D laser scanner or camera calibration:

  • Skip the manual input of camera values with a built-in 3D visual simulation preview and a comprehensive database of all common 3D sensors in the market
  • Easily align multiple 3D cameras under the same coordinate system using built-in point-cloud processing and a wizard-driven interface
  • Experiment with different sensor setups, orientations, or distances from each other and scan targets for optimal layouts and planning
  • Greatly speed up the re-calibration of the 3D sensors for any orientation changes
Multi Sensor Calibration Interface
Rorbotic Tool Box Live Screen

3D Laser Scanner Visualization Tool

Our visualization toolbox simplifies project design using multiple 3D cameras. Preloaded with a large database of popular 3D camera specifications such as resolution, FOV, and housing size, the visualization toolbox makes system design and verification possible. 

  • Import your CAD model into the visualization tool
  • Choose from our sensor library, which contains more than 70 popular industrial sensor models
  • Perform feasibility studies with the sensor resolution checker and relative transformation calculator
  • Leverage the power of portable CMM to achieve large area sub-micrometer accuracy

Demo Videos

Multi 3D Camera Calibration Demo

Demonstration on using the Robotics 3D Vision Toolbox to perform multi-camera calibration and measurement to achieve metrology-grade automated inspection result. 

Speed up the design and planning of 3D camera scan paths to ensure a complete representation of the target inspection surface using the least amount of cycle time while maintaining superior 3D point cloud quality.

Improving Robot Accuracy with Automatic 3D Scan Matching

Fixturing is essential for quality results in manufacturing and undetected variations or faults may lead to defects or recalls.

Using automatic 3D scan matching of production parts, the built-in 3D point cloud mapping and editing software can calculate the exact location of the part relative to the fixture. 

Unblink3D solution can then automatically compensate for variations and helps maintain a robot path accuracy of up to 0.5 mm to ensure consistent and repeatable results.
